Saturday, August 13, 2011

It is time to get involved!

If everyone thought that nothing could make a difference then nothing would. However, we have seen that proven wrong when so many American's contacted their Congresspeople about raising the debt ceiling! Some members of the American public got sick and tired of it and spoke out. There was a lot of coverage about this in the National News Programs about how many American's spoke out and what method that they chose to speak out with.

With the invention of the internet, the world is changing. People who live under harsh, brutal and oppressive conditions somhow managed to got on the internet and saw how other people in the world lived and finally decided to fight back! They want their freedom.

Even if it is just a matter of signing or starting a petition (easy to do on the CARE 2 website), writing a blog or some e-mails, or posting ideas on the social network sites(Facebook, My Space, My Lot, to name a few) or send an e-mail to their leaders (easy to do on All of these actions can help to make a difference!

Once, a small group of people decided that they didn't want to be ruled by King George of England anymore and got together and fought and won the American Revolution! Today, we don't need to get out a gun, just get a pen and paper or turn on our computers and get involved! TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. We just have to get off the sidelines and into the game!

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